Kermans Blog

Reducing wear and tear on your floors

Published: February 28, 2013

Durability. It’s one of the most important qualities Indianapolis home owners are seeking when they look for new carpet, tile, hardwood or area rugs. While it’s true that some choices are more durable than others, the best thing you can do to improve the durability of your investment is to keep your floors clean.

Extend the life and beauty of your carpet and floors with these types from the experts at Kermans.

1. Remove your shoes at the door. It doesn’t just keep your floors cleaner – it reduces friction on carpet fibers. Leaving your shoes off helps keep the finish on your hardwood floors. And kicking off those high heels can prevent dents in the surface of some floors.

2. Vacuum weekly. It’s the simplest way to keep dirt from ruining your floors.

3. Have it professionally cleaned. Most carpet companies recommend having your carpets professionally cleaned annually (check your manufacturer’s warranty for details).

Want to learn more about keeping your floors just like new? Check out the latest tip video from Kermans:

Get more great tips from Kermans’ Online Care Guides:

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